Jochen Beurer farms both organic and biodynamic (he is Demeter certified) and his wines are nearly always considered among the greats. According to our importer, Vom Boden, "Jochen is one of the deepest thinkers about the environment beyond the vineyards. A tour with Beurer is as likely to include a discussion of his bees, the vegetation and animals surrounding the vineyards as it is to include a discussion of the soil and vines themselves."
Trollinger, Portugeiser, Spätburgunder and Zweigelt / Certified Biodynamic
Vom Boden
2019 Stein Spatburgunder "Waechter"
2019 Stefan Vetter Riesling Steinterrassen
2019 Savart "Mont Benoit" Premier Cru Extra Brut
2019 Savart "Les Noues" Premier Cru Extra Brut