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2022 Zajc Cvicek, 1.0L
2022 Zajc Cvicek, 1.0L

2022 Zajc Cvicek, 1.0L


This juicy red is perfect to drink anytime, anywhere. Don't know what kind of wine to bring to your friend's get together? Choose this! Pronounced "tsvee-check" it's an amiable and fun 1L bottle, and your host will applaud you for bringing the national drink of Slovenia instead of the unexciting mass produced wines that usually show up at these things. Producer Description:
Zajc family winemaking tradition dates back to the second half of the 19th century. Doljenska region is known for fresh and light red and white wines. One of the specialties of the region is Cviček, a dry blend of red and white varieties. Also known as the national drink of Slovenia, made only in the Dolenjska region, Cviček is a unique, traditional wine of controlled origin and composition. Cviček and Tuscan Chianti are the only two red and white blends that are officially protected by law.

Blauer Koelner, Blaufränkisch, Kraljevina, Welschriesling /



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